Flash's findings

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Not bad.

Friday, December 02, 2005

At a Loss For Words

The shambles of my shattered heart have finally been swept up and thrown away. I have recently discovered that the girl of my dreams, the girl that I have been hopelessly, helplessly, deeply, madly in love with for the last 5 or 6 years has found another. Turns out he's better for her than I am and I'm disgusted with it. She is REALLY happy now. Not that she wasn't before. Some people might say, "well just be happy for her." FUCK that! I want this guy to die a long, horrible, grotesque, painful death. "How dare he have the nerve and audasity to steal her heart." Am I wrong for feeling this way? NO! Not at all. She told me that she felt the same way when she learned that I was dating someone else for a short while. I suppose it would be about time for me to crawl into a whole and die myself.

Dos Svedonia,
Bis dan,
auf veidersain,
Peace, I'm out.

Fair winds, and following seas.

"When you out live your usefulness, there will be no need for you to exist."

-Scott A. Austin

At a Loss For Words

The shambles of my shattered heart have finally been swept up and thrown away. I have recently discovered that the girl of my dreams, the girl that I have been hopelessly, helplessly, deeply, madly in love with for the last 5 or 6 years has found another. Turns out he's better for her than I am and I'm disgusted with it. She is REALLY happy now. Not that she wasn't before. Some people might say, "well just be happy for her." FUCK that! I want this guy to die a long, horrible, grotesque, painful death. "How dare he have the nerve and audasity to steal her heart." Am I wrong for feeling this way? NO! Not at all. She told me that she felt the same way when she learned that I was dating someone else for a short while. I suppose it would be about time for me to crawl into a whole and die myself.

Dos Svedonia,
Bis dan,
auf veidersain,
Peace, I'm out.

Fair winds, and following seas.

"When you out live your usefulness, there will be no need for you to exist."

-Scott A. Austin

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It couldn't have been better if I wrote myself.

The is by far my favorite album ever. Less Than Jake hit the nail right on the f*ckin' head. This is the most accurate CD that I'd found to fit my over all emotions. This is one song from it. It' s called:

The Ghosts of You and Me.
I've been down
Wandering past 2nd Street and
looking at the ghosts
Of you and me and thinking back
on all those memeries
Of how we use to be
I've been hearing
I hear those voices over the noises
of the breaking glass
And all those plans we had
to get us through,
They're never coming true
I hope and hope
That you won't forget
I'm hoping
Hope you know that
I can clearly see
The ghosts of you and me
And I'm a moved on memory
And you're still alive
And I'm still getting by
On these dead end streets
The ghosts of you and me
I'm still talking, talk of what we'll do
To the ghosts of me and you
And I'm still looking back into the past
When we wer all we had
I hope and hope
That you won't forget
I'm hoping
Hope you know that
I can clearly see
The ghosts of you and me
And I'm just a moved on memory
And you still live on
And I'm still getting by
On these dead end streets
The ghosts of you and me
The ghosts of you and me
I hope you won't forget
I hope you know that I'll always regret
Those things I've said
I hope you know that I can clearly see
The ghosts of you and meeee
Cause I'm just a moved on memory
And you still live on
And I'm still getting by
On these dead end streets
The ghosts of you and meeee 4X

Monday, August 29, 2005

Return of The Dweeb.

So it has been a long time coming. I now believe that there are no longer any bloggers that read this post, there for, can write (or type as things would have it.) uncensored. I can type with no concience of what people would think if they read this. Because if some person does happen across this, that would be some random person, not knowing me from the next guy.

So it has been quite some time since last I wrote. I can't really remember the date all that well. I do recall however that it was a poem. much like most of my posts have been. Though, now, I find myself at a loss of words when it comes to the poetic nature of my being. I have not been able to write since my last post. That was the last little bit that I could squeeze through the cracks in my dam that burst. My muse is gone therefore, so shall be my words. Forever lost in this sea of empty mindedness.

I digress. 25 years of life, yet nothing to show. No fruits of my labor. My crops have wilted, my fields gone dry. Ever to remain in a bitter state. How hard it is to be me. It is the largest burden ever that I have seen.

Fair winds and following seas.
Fare thee well, for I know not when we shall meet.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Here I am, Rock you like a HURRICANE!

You are a guitar.

http://tinypic.com/vv1iw"> %20face="verdana"%20size="2">You%20are%20a%20musical%20genius...%20congratulations.%20Most%20people%20think%20you%20are%20a%20little%20obsessed%20with%20music,%20but%20that' a
Most Rock \m talent. musical your with successful very become likely most will You jealous. they?re because only that?s but eccentricity, down run people that feel may ones. not-so-good of lot than friends weird) (and good few have rather would and independent, are think. other what care don?t okay. s>Drumstick

href="Click'>http://www.boomspeed.com/dollzheaven2/quiz1.html">Click here -- What Random Object Represents Your Inner Self?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I'm back, big woop.

Let's ron des vous in the wake,
Of this cast away,
Vessel of freedom.
Our hopes and our dreams,
Have strayed off from,
The main land.
The tracks have all been erased.
Erased from our futures.
Our past,
Like a mirage.
Was it one big mistake?
Wondering how long,
I can hold on to this facsade.
How did I lose sight of,
The wings of my angel?
My mate.
Mislead by her demons,
Convencing her that,
She must lay,
Next to those
Who would crush her soul,
While I wait and weap.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Damn, I've been tagged!

So PartyPascha tagged me...or at least I think so did... Maybe, possibly? Ah to hell with it, I'll do it anyway.

Choose five of the professions and finish the sentence...

If I could be a scientist... If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician... If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect... If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper... If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer... If I could be a backup dancer...
If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be a midget stripper... If I could be a proctologist...
If I could be a TV-Chat Show host... If I could be an actor...
If I could be a judge... If I could be a Jedi...
If I could be a mob boss... If I could be a backup singer...
If I could be a CEO... If I could be a movie reviewer...

Choose five people to pass it onto when you are finished.

If I could be a farmer, I would only grow freakish hybrid creations that looked horribly terrifying, yet tasted oh so scrum-diddily-umpsious and all the world would love me just as long...as long as I was a shooting star...I mean a farmer.

If I could be a doctor, I would caiter to all in company of the freakers' ball and they would all get the prescriptions that they "needed" and would be so happy that they would proclaim me king of the "high"er order.

If I could be linguist, I would specialize in the foulest of all languages just so I might be fortunate enough to teach all of the unpleasentries to willing shmucks that would pay an arm and a leg just to learn the potty mouth...AH THE FOOLS!

If I could be an architect, I would change my name to Art VanDaliegh and move to New York, or Old York...hell all this york talk is giving me a craving for a cool minty blast of a York Pepperment Patty, go build your own damned condo.

If I could be a Jedi, I would wipe out the force of the dark side so that I might have some time freed up to...I don't know, lift up womens' skirts with the force or something. (Oh man, I don't think that one was a lady, The Cheat. Stupid Scotish, I don't knows.)

Well, I'd tag somebody, but if you're reading this, you'll probably be the only one, because NOBODY reads my blog, therefore, There is nobody to tag other that the four people that very seldomly read my posts, which have already been tagged. So I'll just laeve it at that.

Good day to you!